The best researchers, experts around of the world

See the program of this year’s conference

Conference Background

The theme and the priorities of the conference reflect the conceptual principles underlying the modernization of education and the reform of the educational systems in European countries, as well as national development strategies for the XXI century.

Round table debate

See the conference program

Unique workshops during the conference

Robotics, cybernetics, artifical intelligence




The Conference is organized under the auspices of
Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice – Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Koziołek
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Education – Prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Marcol
Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences – Prof. dr hab. Zenon Gajdzica
Director of the Institute of Pedagogy – Prof. dr hab. Irena Polewczyk
Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology – Prof. dr hab. Danuta Stróż
Director of the Institute of Computer Science – Prof. dr hab. inż. Rafał Doroz

Co-organizers and Partners:
University of Ostrava (UO), Czech Republic
Silesian University in Opava (SU), Czech Republic
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (UKF), Slovakia
University of Extremadura (UEx), Spain
University of Twente (UT), The Netherlands
Lisbon Lusiada University (LU), Portugal
Curtin University in Perth (CU), Australia
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (BGKU), Ukraine
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia,
St.Petersburg (HSPU), Russian Federation
Dniprovsk State Technical University (DSTU), Ukraine
IADIS – International Association for Development
of the Information Society, a non-profi t association
Polish Pedagogical Society, Branch in Cieszyn
Polish Scientifi c Society for Internet Education
Association of Academic E-learning, Poland



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